May 27Liked by Phoenician Hunter

It baffles me that humanity, to this very day, still doesn’t understand how the financial system works and how etymology plays such a crucial role. Yet they’re all indoctrinated to the “current sea”. Another brilliant article. Thank you PH.

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Thanks Nico. Yeah most people are just not interested in asking too many questions.

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May 21Liked by Phoenician Hunter

"The obvious is not always evident." Indeed.

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Phoenician Hunter

"Time is the essence of contract."


There's something deep here I sense I have to quietly sit with. Thank you.

Have you heard of the difference between mother/tribe, trade, and sacred languages? I heard it on a podcast and it may just have been made up, but I found it resonant, and suggests a way to sidestep many dangers in relying on English.

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Yes there is a lot to digest, I only touched the surface. I strongly recommend the book Strawman I referenced, it’s over 1000 pages, so it’ll keep you busy for a while.

Do you mean sacred languages in order to sidestep the legalese?

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Phoenician Hunter

Something like that. It involves a case made by Jordan Hall for how the end of the age of literacy and onwards to digital might be an opportunity to be free from legalese, written constitutions, "social contract" (propaganda) with centralised (unearned) authorities, etc.

Here is a summary I had prepared earlier...

- There are three types of language or use of language: mother, trade, and Sacred.

- A child learns the mother tongue by virtue of his connection to his family that supports and protects him when he is all need and vulnerability. Tone, look and posture can convey just as much as what is said, and very rapidly. Story and mythological referrants are closely shared.

- The trade language comes into play as that which has maximum utility when associating and cooperating with those outside of the Dunbar limit. Meaning is much less tactile, nuanced and immediate, and involves a manipulation and translation of symbols to be obtained and shared.

- If the above two are related to Agape and Philea respectively, then Sacred language is from Eros. When a group of individuals are resonating meaning not so much because they understand each other, but because they are all resonating in tethering to powers higher than them all, then the sacred is in play. Sacred language is hence a result and a facilitator of this.

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That sounds interesting, and there is truth and wisdom in it. From what I have learnt it's very simple, but not easy.

Basically the merchants have claimed this material realm and everything on it, you have right of usage only, not ownership. Once you make a claim or statement regarding the NAME (person) you are bringing controversy to the court, they call this a 'Meeting of the Minds'.

There is a spiritual element to all this that few speak of or understand. Perhaps the merchants are trying to teach us a lesson – who or what do you CLAIM to be? are you a NAME? can you OWN something? what do you VALUE? can you detach yourself from the EGO?

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Phoenician Hunter

Very cool.

All Signs point to Him, the Great Teacher/Waheguru... even if those walking Signs are oblivious to what lessons they are facilitating.

They are welcome to that claim. To own the temporal and sacrifice the Eternal, whether it be in regards to the material or the "self"... unwise.

Still... I may not be a name (if I don't wish to be ruled by corporations), but I think I do have to be a nama-rupa, or at least play that role faithfully, or I will fall into the name/ego trap under pressure every time. That's where puritan streaks, whether religious or secular (eg. Wokism) go very wrong IMHO.

Being a nama-rupa is to use roots in sacred form and mother/genealogical title, to not float off as individualised yet homogenous capital, when trade language is the lingua franca. Maybe these are two versions of timelessness, independent of contract as your article quotes. A Will-ingness of essences that moves independent of verbalised consent/caprice.

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