The point about the Anti-Masonic Party I was trying to remember is the following;

The Anti-Masonic Party in the United States was founded in 1828, following the disappearance and presumed murder of William Morgan, a former Mason who had become a prominent critic of the Masonic organisation.

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I'm gonna have to call you on your suggestion that Lady Gaga and Jay-Z are somehow ignorant of what their hand signs mean. Lady Gaga litterally performs masonic rituals and far worse on stage. And as much as I hate Jay-Z, he's no dummy. You should probably watch a couple of his music videos, and also pay attention to his lyrics. I'm pretty sure you will rethink at least the application of your idea to those two.

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You may have a point regarding some artists, but from personal experience, I still maintain they would be in the few.

Also, their lyrics are usually overseen by a song writer hired by the studios, and dance routines are usually choreographed by others. There are many people involved behind the scenes.

Please don't make me watch his videos!

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Grateful to have been part of yet another insightful discussion in search of the facts!

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Pleasure as always Nico.

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